



東莞精耀電子股份有限公司(GS),創立于1996年,專業設計,制造,銷售電位器,開關和編碼器的制造商,精耀在本行業中,電子產品種類齊全。 通過長期的努力,不斷更新技術和加強現代化管理,精耀發展為本行業中較強的公司。本工廠已通過了ISO 9001:2008的認證,發展和促進了MRP (物料資源管理)和ERP管理,且所有產品己達到“ROHS”的標準,深受業界的肯定,客戶遍及世界各地,目前,產品已被JVC,HIVI ,Microsoft ,Sennheiser,Honeywell ,Midea,LKEA等國內外**企業所認定使用,并獲得好評。 其產品廣泛應用于家電、儀器、通迅、舞臺音響、汽車、玩具、燈具、醫療設備等。公司擁有先進的加工設備、精密的檢測儀器及可靠性實驗設備。 精耀可按貴司產品要求設計開發,精耀堅持“人力資源管理,創新科研,不斷進取”的原則,堅持“質量,效率,數量和簡樸”的品質保證。歡迎提供相關信息,一起開拓新產品。我們期望與貴公司一起創造雙贏合作! Introduction: Dongguan Jingyao Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. (Jingyao) is a manufacturer specializing in designing, manufacturing and selling potentiometers, switches and encoders. Jingyao has the most complete kinds of products in this industry. Established in 1996, through long-term effort, constantly updating technology and enforcing modern management, Jingyao has developed to be a strong enterprise in this industry. Our company is ISO9001:2008 certified. We have adopted MRP and ERP management. All products passed RoHS certification. At present, Jingyao products are confirmed and used by many famous brands.including JVC,HIVI ,Microsoft ,Sennheiser,Honeywell ,Midea,LKEA.etc. Jingyao is a provider of electronic manufacturing services (EMS) for home appliances, instruments, communication, stage acoustics, automobile, medical, toys, lamps and lanterns, etc. We have advanced processing equipment, precise testing equipment and reliable test equipment. Jingyao provides customized manufacturing services. Jingyao insists on the principle of "human resources, creation and research, constant improvement" and the quality policy of "quality, efficiency, quantity and simplicity". We look forward to creating a mutually beneficial situation with you in the new century.



聯系人 李小姐 
手機號碼 134122***** 點擊查看 
座機電話 0769-85303372-820 
傳真號碼 0769-85303373 
聯系地址 廣東省東莞市長安鎮廈邊管理區銀沙二路 
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地址:廣東省東莞市長安鎮廈邊管理區銀沙二路 技術支持:成都九正科技